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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sandwiches can be art too!

This is less of a recipe and more of a how to make a typical lunchtime meal decorative as well as tasty. For this particular task, you will need the following:

2-3 kinds of bread (whole wheat, Italian)
2-3 of your favorite cheeses (I recommend: boxing cheddar, colby jack, and munster)
2-3 of your favorite deli meats (salami, turkey, ham
1 tomato, sliced
1 head of romaine lettuce, washed and dried
Red grapes, washed

Cut your various cheeses. Then arrange them on a platter in an artful manner. If you are working with a round platter (i.e. plate) or square platter, put them along the edge of the plate so that they leave a space in the middle. If you are working with a rectangular platter, arrange the cheeses on each end of the platter leaving the middle 1/3 open. Then place your washed, red grapes in the middle of your cheese arrangement.

Next, take your deli meats and roll them up. Again, arrange them in an artful manner. To make the platter look more appealing, rotate your deli meats so that the colors spread out. For example, start with a piece of rolled turkey, then next to that a piece of rolled salami, and finally a piece of rolled ham. Continue until you fill the platter (or run out of meat).

Finally, take out several slices of each kind of bread and place them on another platter.

Make sure that your guests will have condiments such as mustard, mayo, pickle relish, etc. Also cut up some tomato and wash some lettuce to put out with the meal. It looks incredible and will make a simple meal feel special!

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